Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Our adventure

Early morning shopping was fun for the kids. Ashton found the ABC store with lots of candy to choose from. He always finds the ones that say M&M's on it. Daddy loves that! Ben and Hannah found many shops they liked and a couple hours later they were done. Hannah wants to go back there. Good thing we are going back there for dinner tonight.

After lunch we took a car trip north to find the blow hole. I am so glad I brought my Maui guide book with me, because we would have never found it and I wouldn't have been prepared to wear some good shoes. No flip-flops allowed on this trail. There are no signs off the main road and once you park there is nothing to tell you what direction to head off to. What a hike! Mark held Ashton part of the way, but Ashton did great climbing down and up the rocky hill. We were looking everywhere to find it and Once we finally found the blow hole, it was amazing. It wasn't blowing That high, but it was still a pretty sight.

The evening concluded with the guys watching a basketball game they couldn't miss (Hannah, Ashton and I took a walk to some shops near by and brought back pizza) and then the pool.

Today is a train day. Ashton is looking forward to it!

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