Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Last day in Hot Sunny California

The temperatures reached mid 90's and extremely muggy yesterday at the park. I believe we went through 3 big cases of water this vacation plus all the extras we had to buy because the 9 or 10 we took through the gates were gone by the afternoon. We tried refilling at the water fountains but that water didn't seem to please the taste buds too well. Even through the heat, we had a pretty good last day.

We tried park hopping today. We started in California adventures to obtain our fast passes for the cars ride, then walked back to Disneyland in hopes to finally get a chance to get on the Matterhorn ride since we weren't able to last Friday. Quite a lot of walking, but we really liked the Cars racer ride, so it is worth it. 

Once again Space mountain was down for a bit and As we walked to the Matterhorn, we were starting to worry because there was no line. The employee told us that it will be closed until Friday. Geez, everyone was very disappointed! We did a few kiddie rides for Ashton and to get out of the heat. Those rides were nice and air conditioned! 

Space mountain finally opened and Ben and Ashton waited to get the very front of the coaster!  Ashton looks a bit worried in this photo, but he loves this ride!

Not much to do on The Disneyland side because of all the closures, so we left and spent the rest of the day in California adventure. 

Loved the cars ride again!

(Ashton is in the front, the kid in back was a single rider because that line is only 30minutes to an hour to wait versus the 1 1/2-2 hour wait. So his mom was in the other car behind us)

This look is supposed to be a "oh yeah" smiling look. He loved the Goofy Sky school Coaster!

Hannah talked us into the water spraying fan today, and we all loved getting some water on us, especially in those long lines!

We even tried a ride we never wanted to wait for in the past. The 3-D toy story game ride. Normally there is an hour wait and we noticed it was only 30 minutes (I know... ONLY 30, sounds like a lot, but that was pretty average and doable. 

Ashton and I waited for them to ride the big rides. He wanted to try the carousel. I was apprehensive because I do not do well on those, but we did it and I was only nauseas for a little bit afterwards. 

There were hardly any lines at some of the smaller Cars land rides. 
This one is like bumper tires, but you have to work together to move it.
The kids were trying to get us! 

Again we come back to the hotel for dinner and the famous chips and salsa! 
This lion on top of the rocks comes to life every half hour. It lifts it head and roars. I believe we sat there for quite a while and heard him a few times.

Everyone except for Ashton is looking forward to returning today. Ashton said he is sad and wants to stay. I told him he would miss his birthday party and he said they can all visit him here in California. Pretty funny! 

Here's to a good flight home!

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