Monday, August 26, 2013

Wonderful Disney California Adventures!

** all photos taken on the phone. Can't wait to get home and upload a few great ones from the camera!**

What a great day today! We were all so happy that today turned out great. We blamed the last two days on Hannah spilling salt at the ESPN restaurant Thursday night, and we all give Ben the credit for today's great fortune! His fortune cookie turned out to be true! 

As soon as we got to the Park, I headed to the Cars ride fast pass line and Mark and the kids went straight to the Tower o Terror. I was amazed that Ashton wanted to ride that. I waited for them at the exit of the ride and Ashton sure looked ill. He did not like that ride at all. We were proud of him for trying it. 

The lines were pretty short for California Screamin'. They rode that quite a few time and were having fun with the cameras during the ride. It goes real fast but they know exactly where the camera is and they definitely love to pose!

This just makes me laugh! I love it! Ben and Hannah are hilarious! So funny! (Ashton couldn't ride this one. He was too short. This ride goes upside Down too!)

Ashton loved the Grizzly water ride! He rode 3 times and loved getting wet!

And boy did he get wet!

Mark was so soaked the first time he rode this that he actually could ring out the water in his shorts. Kept him cool all morning.

The water did feel great. It was another hot day.

Another great ride was the Cars Racer Ride! We rode that twice today and hardly waited. We definitely got lucky with this one. It was broke down for 1 1/2 hours (but that didn't affect us) and we were close to it and decided to try hanging out a tiny bit. They happened to open it back up while we were around. We hopped in the line real quick and only waited about 15 minutes instead of an hour! (This is the most popular ride there and the lines vary from 1-1 1/2 hours)

We rode twice because of our fast pass ticket in the later afternoon. 

We did see something that we have never seen before. Not only do they have pay phones now a days that take credit cards; they have texting pay phones.  Funny!

There was one issue on a ride today. We were waiting in line for Goofy's flying school roller coaster for about 20 minutes. Then the ride broke down and they sent everyone away. Ashton was sad and cried. That was a bummer. (It was even right after I was telling Mark that we have had such a great lucky day. I can't believe I jinxed it!) we did come back and ride it later that day, but waiting for so long then having to leave is tough. 

We ended the day back at the hotel with our regular beverages and chips and the amazing hotel house made salsa that apparently needs to be entered into a contest (according to Mark and Ben).

One last day at the park tomorrow! We plan to hop back and forth and go on the best rides of each park! 

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