Saturday, August 10, 2013

Twin day
This was a fun day. It wasn't planned, but Mark gets a good deal on Wilson clothing so he buys Ben clothing too.  He has been doing this for years, but this day they actually wore the same thing. The most peculiar thing about it, is I have never seen Mark wear a color like this before. They both look great in it. Ashton called them twins, and we had to take a photo!

Super hero Birthday party
Ashton got invited to the coolest party ever.  It was a superhero birthday party.  His dad used to be in the military so he pretended to be a super hero trainer. They started with warm ups, which was hilarious. Push ups, jumping jacks, leg squats, ect. Then they went through an obstacle course. Leaping over tall buildings (paper blocks), Walking over hot lava (4x4 board on concrete with red paper underneath) Shooting the villians (silly foam string aimed at the villains on paper) and testing your strength like hulk (pretend weights that were super light)  They all were amazing.  At the end of the training, the received their cape and mask.
We were excited to see him dressed up and thought this was going to something he may like to do again. Unfortunately he hasn't touched is since and has no desire to pretend to be other characters. It did seem to inspire him to read more about superheros. He says he likes Marvel better then DC. Not sure where that came from, but when I tried borrowing DC books from the library he didn't want to read them. Hmmm...What is that kid thinking. And he is ALWAYS thinking.

The Boy right next to him is the birthday boy, Timothy.  It was his mom and dad that were so creative with the party. It was great!

Baby or Big Kid?
This photo was taken so I could show Ashton what he looked like in the cart. Since he was a baby, I have always put him in this to go through Costco. (And we go weekly sometimes for 4 1/2 years)  He always insists, and I normally really like it because he will get samples and I feel like he isn't getting germs all over him. I come home and throw it in the wash. Unfortunately I just found out you need to be 35lbs and under. I am sure people wonder what a big kid is doing up there in one of those, but I never minded. I finally had to tell him that he is probably the only almost 5 year old that ever sits in there. I went as far as to tell him I think there are no 3 or 4 year olds that do that either. I took the photo to show him and said this is the very last time.  Now he sits in the basket on top of a picnic blanket. Unfortunately I can not get too many things because he fills up the basket, but we go so often it doesn't matter. My next step is to tell him 5 year olds walk in Costco!

My big thing for the night is I found out how to Copyright a photo if needed. I recently saw where someone used one of my photos for a photo contest without mentioning it. Not a huge deal, but it got me thinking that it would be nice to claim ownership. I hear that you technically have copyrights if you took the photo, but you can take extra precautions with presetting your camera or using Photoshop. I love Photoshop!

Ashton's tennis
Ashton is getting better at his back hand lately. Our neighbors boy, who is 6, is starting to take lessons at the club. Ashton is enjoying playing with him and getting to know him better. Nice kid.

This year I had time to use plant food on my flowers and they turned out beautiful and large. I think I need to take the time every year. :)

Ashton's Haircut
 Ashton saved me money and let me cut his hair. Instead of $16.00, it only cost me $5.00.  ha! He is a thinker. I buzzed his hair in the backyard and gave him $5.00 for it. So technically is saved me only $11.00.  I guess it is still a savings!  He wanted me to take his photo. He loved his haircut.  I think I need to tell him next time that it is on sale. 1/2 off at only $2.50 and see what he says. 

 Taste of Edmonds

 Ashton and I went to the Taste of Edmonds Friday. It was so much fun! Unfortunately it was a lot of walking, and after 3 weeks on my sprained ankle, it is still very swollen. The walking didn't help a bit. I am sure it is making it stronger, but didn't feel stronger.

One of Ashton's favorite things there, besides the fun bouncy houses, was the Transit bus.  He was in heaven! It was even a double decker. He keeps asking me all summer if we can ride the transit bus, so I signed up for the orca card. I just had no clue what to do from there. I was glad this booth and bus was there. I was able to get one on one instructions on how to ride a bus. Pretty silly but it just isn't something I have ever done. I had to tell Ashton that most buses that we may take in the future are not as nice looking as this one. We loved the 2nd floor. Our area doesn't offer that. Perhaps if we get adventurous, we may look for one in the BIG city some day. (maybe that is next summers adventure!)

Ashton was able to pick any dessert there. It was an extremely hot day! He choose the strawberry shortcake. He took a few bites of the whip cream and strawberries and even tasted the biscuit but decided that it was disgusting. $6.00 down the drain. I couldn't even enjoy it because it was full of everything I couldn't eat. He still looked darn cute in this photo!

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